cubiertas de ruedas negras

Código de producto: 0023579.090
Productor: ACERBIS
Acerbis black wheel covers

The wheel covers are used for transport the bike to the starting gate without dirtying the knobs and allow the rider to start with the tire completely clean to immediately have maximum traction.

You avoid so & igrave; in the presence of mud that fill the spaces between the tire knobs.

Place the sheet on the rubber by turning the wheels trying to keep it taut and secure it with the velcro. & Nbsp;

On the towel & eacute; the direction of rotation in which it is to be mounted is indicated with an arrow.

With the covers removed, the bike must be turned off and pushed by hand. & Nbsp;

The package includes a 21 '' front wheel cover. and a rear sheet for 18 & quot; wheels or 19 & quot;.

the image reflects the exact shape of the product.

€ 32,00
El costo de envío depende del peso y volumen del paquete. Comienza desde 9,99 € (IVA incluido) para "productos ligeros" y aumenta hasta un máximo de 19,99 € (IVA incluido) para productos más pesados o voluminosos. El costo del envío se calculará automáticamente a medida que agregue productos al carrito y proceda al pago.


Código de producto